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Friday, July 13, 2012

The Freeh Report...and Your Heart by Chris Tomlin

As baseball season resumes today (MATT KEMP IS BACK!!!!!), sports radio is all about the Freeh Report. Things like the Penn State and Catholic priest scandals make me think of King David and 1 Samuel. David rose to great heights and fell to great depths (you think you've got family problems...). Unlike Penn State, the Church and Cain, when confronted with his sins, David turned to God and repented.

That's what Psalm 51 is about: begging God for forgiveness. It is one every Christian should read and study.  'a broken and contrite heart you, God, will not despise.'

If you're not familiar with the story, God forgave David but punished him Mightily, including the death of his son born of the adultery with Bathsheba.

I like this Chris Tomlin song about David, with its refrain, "At the end of the day, I wanna hear people say, that my heart looks like your heart"

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